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Deep learning approach to control of prosthetic hands with electromyography signals
Yonas Tadesse
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR), 2019
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Classification of 41 Hand and Wrist Movements via Surface Electromyogram Using Deep Neural Network
Chatchai Buekban
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2021
Surface electromyography (sEMG) is a non-invasive and straightforward way to allow the user to actively control the prosthesis. However, results reported by previous studies on using sEMG for hand and wrist movement classification vary by a large margin, due to several factors including but not limited to the number of classes and the acquisition protocol. The objective of this paper is to investigate the deep neural network approach on the classification of 41 hand and wrist movements based on the sEMG signal. The proposed models were trained and evaluated using the publicly available database from the Ninapro project, one of the largest public sEMG databases for advanced hand myoelectric prosthetics. Two datasets, DB5 with a low-cost 16 channels and 200 Hz sampling rate setup and DB7 with 12 channels and 2 kHz sampling rate setup, were used for this study. Our approach achieved an overall accuracy of 93.87 ± 1.49 and 91.69 ± 4.68% with a balanced accuracy of 84.00 ± 3.40 and 84.66...
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Deep Learning for EMG-based Human-Machine Interaction: A Review
IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2021
Electromyography (EMG) has already been broadly used in human-machine interaction (HMI) applications. Determining how to decode the information inside EMG signals robustly and accurately is a key problem for which we urgently need a solution. Recently, many EMG pattern recognition tasks have been addressed using deep learning methods. In this paper, we analyze recent papers and present a literature review describing the role that deep learning plays in EMG-based HMI. An overview of typical network structures and processing schemes will be provided. Recent progress in typical tasks such as movement classification, joint angle prediction, and force/torque estimation will be introduced. New issues, including multimodal sensing, inter-subject/inter-session, and robustness toward disturbances will be discussed. We attempt to provide a comprehensive analysis of current research by discussing the advantages, challenges, and opportunities brought by deep learning. We hope that deep learning can aid in eliminating factors that hinder the development of EMG-based HMI systems. Furthermore, possible future directions will be presented to pave the way for future research.
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Enhancing sEMG-Based Finger Motion Prediction with CNN-LSTM Regressors for Controlling a Hand Exoskeleton
Mirco Vangi
In recent years, the number of people with disabilities has increased hugely, especially in low- and middle-income countries. At the same time, robotics has made significant advances in the medical field, and many research groups have begun to develop low-cost wearable solutions. The Mechatronics and Dynamic Modelling Lab of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Florence has recently developed a new version of a wearable hand exoskeleton for assistive purposes. In this paper, we will present a new regression method to predict the finger angle position of the first joint from the value of the sEMG of the forearm and the previous position of the finger itself. To acquire the dataset necessary to train the regressor a specific graphical user interface was developed which was able to acquire sEMG data from a Myo armband and the finger position from a Leap Motion Controller. Two long short-term memory (LSTM) models were compared, one in its standard configuration ...
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Visual Features as Frames of Reference in Task-Parametrised Learning from Demonstration
Shirine El Zaatari
Embedded Inteligence: Enabling & Supporting RAS Technologies
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sEMG-Based Hand Movement Regression by Prediction of Joint Angles With Recurrent Neural Networks
Huy Bình Phan
2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2021
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Application of Deep Learning Algorithm to Monitor Upper Extremity Task Practice
Gabrielle Scronce
Upper extremity hemiplegia is a serious problem affecting the lives of many people post-stroke. Motor recovery requires high repetitions and quality of task-specific practice. Sufficient practice cannot be completed during therapy sessions, requiring patients to perform additional task practices at home on their own. Adherence to and quality of these home task practices are often limited, which is likely a factor reducing rehabilitation effectiveness post-stroke. However, home adherence is typically measured by self-reports that are known to be inconsistent with objective measurement. The objective of this study was to develop algorithms to enable the objective identification of task type and quality. Twenty neurotypical participants wore an IMU sensor on the wrist and performed four representative tasks in prescribed fashions that mimicked correct, compensatory, and incomplete movement qualities typically seen in stroke survivors. LSTM classifiers were trained to identify the task ...
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Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Electromyography Data: A Resource for the Classification of Movements for Prosthetic Hands
ShengFeng Yu
Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2016
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Deep Learning Techniques Applied to Predict and Measure Finger Movement in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Bego garcia
Applied Sciences, 2021
This research focuses on the development of a system for measuring finger joint angles based on camera image and is intended for work within the field of medicine to track the movement and limits of hand mobility in multiple sclerosis. Measuring changes in hand mobility allows the progress of the disease and its treatment process to be monitored. A static RGB camera without depth vision was used in the system developed, with the system receiving only the image from the camera and no other input data. The research focuses on the analysis of each image in the video stream independently of other images from that stream, and 12 measured hand parameters were chosen as follows: 3 joint angles for the index finger, 3 joint angles for the middle finger, 3 joint angles for the ring finger, and 3 joint angles for the pinky finger. Convolutional neural networks were used to analyze the information received from the camera, and the research considers neural networks based on different architect...
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Deep Learning for Electromyographic Hand Gesture Signal Classification Using Transfer Learning
Cheikh Fall
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
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